Patrizia Cevoli | Archivie Interventions
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Restoration of "decorazioni a secco" dated 1800, depicting mythological subjects of the ceilings of a private residence....

Restoration, following an earthquake, of Palazzo Marinucci Celano. (the building is registered by the Ministry for Cultural Assets). Restoration internally of painted floral, figurative and geometric decorations on ceilings and walls, on...

Restoration of gilded wooden ceilings and decorated with a private residence,  Ferdinando di Savoia street....

Restoration of coffered wooden ceiling, wardrobes and doors in Venetian varnish, six oil paintings on panels, marble multicolored inlayed floors. Plating of the roses within the ceiling’s cavities and of...

Restoration of frescos, mosaics, fresco-secco paintings, gold-plating, graffiti, external figurative and floral decorations in faux stone at Villa Aurelia for the American Academy in Rome under architect Di Santo. The...

Recovery by 'descialbo' and restoration of paintings and ceiling wall of a building in via Albalonga, Rome....

Collaboration with Prof. Umberto Baldini for investigations and research on a sixteenth canvas, then attributed to Jacopo Negretti, known as Palma the Elder....

Consolidation and restoration of the frescos in the “Sala delle Armi” at Castello di Poggio alle Mura, Montalcino, Siena. The building is under restrictions due to its artistic value....

Restoration of internal and external decorations of Palazzo Coppedè, in Piazza Mincio 3 Rome. The building is under restrictions due to its artistic value....